Institutions and Loss

Institutions and Loss

Very truly, I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains just a single grain; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. John 12:24 We live in an age of great change, and great change usually means great losses. All of us face losses on a...
The Happiness of True Blessings

The Happiness of True Blessings

In a previous article, When Blessings Become Curses, I wrote about one of the Old Testament words for “bless” and “blessing,” the Hebrew word, barak. This article focuses on another word for blessing, ashar, or asher, which originally meant “straight,” “level,”...
Law and Relationships

Law and Relationships

Many of us have an ambivalent relationship with law. Just mentioning the word “law” brings up many different images in our minds. For most of us, the law means a set of fixed rules and regulations that we are supposed to live by. We operate by law at many different...
The Reign of God (Part 2)

The Reign of God (Part 2)

In my previous article, “The Kingdom of God,” I noted that the language we use affects the pictures we have in our minds as well as the overall meaning we hold about a concept or idea. Thus, the preconceived notions of the Kingdom of God affected the...
The Kingdom of God

The Kingdom of God

The language we use affects the understandings we hold. I have recently been thinking about a prime example, the language of “king” and “kingdom” especially as used in the phrases “kingdom of God” and “kingdom of...