The Greatest Promise

“I promise”  How many times have you heard someone utter those words to you?  Maybe you have uttered them yourself to someone else.  Did they believe you?  Hebrews tells us that God a covenant with Abraham and swore by Himself…  His Name…  His...
Whose Song Will We Sing?

Whose Song Will We Sing?

Luke 1:39-56 46 And Mary said,“My soul magnifies the Lord, 47 and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior… (Luke 1:46–47 NRSV) I enjoy Christmas music! The hymns, songs, and carols are among the most joyous of all music. I also like Advent music. Advent music is...
Institutions and Loss

Institutions and Loss

Very truly, I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains just a single grain; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. John 12:24 We live in an age of great change, and great change usually means great losses. All of us face losses on a...
The Happiness of True Blessings

The Happiness of True Blessings

In a previous article, When Blessings Become Curses, I wrote about one of the Old Testament words for “bless” and “blessing,” the Hebrew word, barak. This article focuses on another word for blessing, ashar, or asher, which originally meant “straight,” “level,”...
When Blessings Become Curses

When Blessings Become Curses

In today’s society, the words “bless” and “blessing” are sometimes used quite casually. When somebody sneezes, another person will respond, “Bless you!” When something happy or positive happens to someone whether it is a new baby, new job, or a lottery jackpot, those...