The Word who was with God and was God became flesh and dwelt with us. Jesus is the Word of God who brings Light and Life and Grace and Truth!…
Jesus focuses our eyes on God, our heavenly Father who knows everything about us and who cares for us with the deepest compassion. Fred Pepperman is an illustration of a…
In this passage from Matthew Jesus is showing the importance of our affect on those around us through the lens of asking us who we are following. Who are you…

Hebrews 12 Impromtu

November 14, 2021
Pastor Dale did not do his message today. He shared from the heart regarding the Kingdom that is coming with the Lord Jesus and some grass root thoughts regarding our…
Jesus calls Matthew to follow him in this passage. The aftermath is a gathering at Matthews house that has Jesus inteacting with "publicans and sinners." Jesus quotes Hosea 6 to…


March 28, 2021
Scripture has much to say about Perseverance and Endurance as necessary normal parts of Christian life. This message explores many passages which give perspective on a Biblical meaning to Perseverance…

Abraham: A Seeker Story

February 28, 2021
The story of Abraham gives us a supreme example of faith personified. His journey portrays a man who was not just seeking God but he also sought the city that…
The framework of Philippians 4:4-9 provides a Spirit led template for how to respond to the most difficult circumstances.