Dane Ortlund said it best in his book Gentle and Lowly, “The atonement accomplished our salvation; intercession is the moment-by-moment application of our atoning work.” https://www.youtube.com/live/c9Fig4Tba2I?feature=share
Jesus' offer of Himself as the "Bread of Life" is the point of receiving His hold on on for eternal life (salvation). https://www.youtube.com/live/unVNyEBvhN4?feature=share
Jesus' resurrection from the dead was merely a second person story for the men who days earlier were the closest to Jesus. The angel gives a message to them, through…
Returning to Matthew we find the miracles of Jesus stirring John the Baptist to send his disciples to Jesus to enquire of Him whether He is the Expected One. Before…
The Word who was with God and was God became flesh and dwelt with us. Jesus is the Word of God who brings Light and Life and Grace and Truth!…

Walk in hope

December 4, 2022
As with Israel in the time of Judges all of us long for a deliverer. The hope of Christmas is birthed from a need for a deliverer. Our deliverer is…

Be Bodied

November 20, 2022
As members of the body of Christ it is imperative for us to walk in the light with God and each other. This is membership Sunday when seven people joined…
Receiving from God is a primary posture to have as a follower of Jesus. Receiving reveals an intimate relationship with God and the blessing of God. https://youtu.be/fMH63Kc0oAk