Following the gospel of John through the last six days of Jesus' life we find the great crown from Bethany who were there to see Lazarus and Jesus meets the…
This poignant scene of Mary anointing Jesus' head and feet reveals a deep love of a follower of Jesus and a prophetic anointing for His ultimate sacrifice on the cross…
This is one of only three times that we find Jesus going to his house in Capernaum. Jesus leaves a lasting legacy that results in the conversion of all of…
The love, compassion, and mercy of God stands in contrast to the judgmental nuture that I battle with. Jesus came to not just show us this love but to impact…
Our church will be using Christmas Carols to lead our Focus Group time in December. In his message he uses God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen to emmulate this. As a…
Jesus verbalizes His forgiveness that extends even to the Pharisees, whose accusations tie Him to Beelzebal. Anything done to or said about Him will be forgiven. The only thing that…
Jesus uses His relationship to His Father to reveal the power of being included in this relationship. Inclusion, by His Spirit, activates reciprocal love, abiding, knowing, acting, loving, and living.…
Jesus uses this dialogue with Thomas and Philip to earmark the absolute "oneness" that He has with God His Father. We are created to relate to Jesus like He related…
Both Moses and Samuel spoke of the dangers of a king taking military power, political power, and economic power to himself. Israel's history confirms those dangers led to the end…
Pastor Dale gives a background to the profound moment when Jesus responds with tears regarding of of the emotions and deep truth of the resurrection scene with Lazarus, the friend…