Who is Jesus?

February 9, 2025
Jesus became an offense to his own hometown when he publicly taught and ministered in Nazareth. The questions of his human heritage took them from faith to unfaith. This should…
The fruitful Seed of the Sower, the Word of God causes thirsty souls to press into hearing it! Is worth hearing and obeying! Is the source of faith! Can be…
When the men and women are gathered in Jerusalem for Shavuot Peter receives revelation from the Holy Spirit. The others follow Peter's lead as the Holy Spirit reveals Jesus' transforming…
The Ascension of Jesus into Heaven marks the end of the Resurrection appearances. Yet, Jesus promised that his presence and the Kingdom inaugurated by his presence would continue. At Pentecost,…
The disciples finish their time of 40 days with Jesus after the resurrection by receiving the Holy Spirit. Jesus then leaves them with three promises. They will receive power. The…

Jesus Wept

August 27, 2023
Pastor Dale gives a background to the profound moment when Jesus responds with tears regarding of of the emotions and deep truth of the resurrection scene with Lazarus, the friend…
Jesus' resurrection from the dead was merely a second person story for the men who days earlier were the closest to Jesus. The angel gives a message to them, through…

Be Bodied

November 20, 2022
As members of the body of Christ it is imperative for us to walk in the light with God and each other. This is membership Sunday when seven people joined…
Jesus sends His disciples to the Lost Sheep of Israel. He reveals a Kingdom principle of receiving and giving. We receive freely from God and are to give freely -…
Jesus gathers the 12 disciples and gives them the authority of the Kingdom of God to heal every disease, relieve every affliction and to cast out every demonic presence. https://youtu.be/sHCAwZ3msTg