Through the gospel of John, we see Jesus talking over and over about the fact that He must go away so that the Spirit of God can be sent to…
The Ascension of Jesus is little celebrated but essential to our understanding of the whole story of who Jesus is. The Ascension is not so much about Jesus "going up"…

Lord Lord

May 23, 2021
Jesus makes the astonishing statement in Matthew 7:21-23 that not everyone who calls him "Lord" can enter into the kingdom of heaven. Tracing from the beginning of Jesus' ministry until…
God is the source of All Comfort. He is the source of every need that we as humans have individually and corporately. Psalm 23 is an activating Psalm for pressing…
The first hinge of Zechariah 13 is the cross which speaks to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Two books that speak to the reality of Jesus are Evidence that Demands…
Understanding the Second Coming of Jesus through the text of Zechariah revolves around three hinges. These hinges are the Cross, Jerusalem and the Feast of Booths.

Psalm 51 My Inner Design

October 13, 2019
God has designed us as body, spirit, and soul. Jesus Christ offers us a supernatural gift that promises to bring all of these three into alignment and into full health.…