October 6, 2019

Seeds of Response Psalm 51 pt 1 My hiddenness

Passage: Psalm 51:1-6, 10; Matthew 11:25-30
Service Type:

Bible Text: Psalm 51:1-6, 10; Matthew 11:25-30 | Preacher: Dale Rintelman | Series: Seeds | Using David’s psalm of remorse over his activity surrounding his sin with Bathsheba we look at what happens when we try to hide from God. David’s plea to God acknowledges his sin and his desperate attempts t cover it up instead of going to God.

1 Comment

  1. Dennis W. Rintelman

    Thank you for this message. 1. It interested me, your comments about Santa claus. As a child the story of santa claus was one all children at one time believed. Our neighbor would even dress up as sc and look in our windows. At the school Christmas program he would play santa. Needless to say we were is prime subjects. Glenn and I. 2. Psalm 51 has helped me through my terrible time of being unfaithful to mom and my children. I remember how alienated I was from my children, including you. I was devastated at what I had done. I am sure that my sin still resonates in all of my sons. I had to beg the Lord to forgive me. Although I know I am forgiven, there are many times I am reminded the effects on you and others. God bless you Dale.


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1 Comment

  1. Dennis W. Rintelman

    Thank you for this message. 1. It interested me, your comments about Santa claus. As a child the story of santa claus was one all children at one time believed. Our neighbor would even dress up as sc and look in our windows. At the school Christmas program he would play santa. Needless to say we were is prime subjects. Glenn and I. 2. Psalm 51 has helped me through my terrible time of being unfaithful to mom and my children. I remember how alienated I was from my children, including you. I was devastated at what I had done. I am sure that my sin still resonates in all of my sons. I had to beg the Lord to forgive me. Although I know I am forgiven, there are many times I am reminded the effects on you and others. God bless you Dale.


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