I believe in the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth; and of all things visible and invisible. In this first of the I believe series we discuss the visible…

Teach us to Pray

July 31, 2016
The fabric of prayer is the faithfulness of God. Prayer is the blessing of Christ's headship and His body (the church).

Onesimus Reflection

July 24, 2016
Paul shepherds relational reconciliation between Philemon and Onesimus. Herein we see the template that Christ gives us to pursue the Ministry of Reconciliation.

Devote, Conduct & Speak

July 17, 2016
Paul encourages believers to: Devote themselves to prayer. Conduct themselves wisely with unbelievers. To always speak with grace.  

Submit Yourselves

June 19, 2016
In this passage we discuss how to submit ourselves to each other remembering that the basis of all "Body" relationships is the indwelling Christ.


June 5, 2016