Jesus focuses our eyes on God, our heavenly Father who knows everything about us and who cares for us with the deepest compassion. Fred Pepperman is an illustration of a…
In this passage from Matthew Jesus is showing the importance of our affect on those around us through the lens of asking us who we are following. Who are you…
God uses persecution, trials, and testing to build great news stories in you to spread the Kingdom of God.
Jesus tells us that "those who endure will be saved." Pastor Dale unpacks the meaning of this phrase in a way that is both relevant and encouraging.
Jesus begins his instruction to his disciples with the heart pounding truth that he is sending them out as sheep to wolves. Can this be for us to apply today?…
Jesus contrasts the fear that people normally think of as they relate to governors or religious leaders with the fear that we should have for God Himself. The difference between…
We carry the kingdom of God and His "presence of peace" wherever we go and with whoever we meet. In this relational responsibility we need to make sure that people…
Using the life story excerpt from the life of Brother Andrew Pastor Dale unpacks the idea of trusting God for ministry. Jesus tells the disciples to take nothing for their…
Jesus sends His disciples to the Lost Sheep of Israel. He reveals a Kingdom principle of receiving and giving. We receive freely from God and are to give freely -…
Jesus gathers the 12 disciples and gives them the authority of the Kingdom of God to heal every disease, relieve every affliction and to cast out every demonic presence.