God's Seed is sown on all possible places. The soil determines what happens to the seed. The Soil can be a nation, an Ethnicity, A City, A relationship, or a…

Palm Sunday

March 10, 2024
Following the gospel of John through the last six days of Jesus' life we find the great crown from Bethany who were there to see Lazarus and Jesus meets the…
We must recognize our inability to provide for ourselves before the invitation of Jesus can become effective. When we reach out to Jesus and invite Him into our lives He…
Jesus promises to the church of Laodicea an invitation to sit on His throne in the same way that His Father invited Him to sit on His throne. This remarkable…

 Jesus To You

September 25, 2022
Jesus offers us a life that is flowing with a vibrancy that words cannot describe. This is because it is internal and not external. It is about what is placed…

Back to Church

September 18, 2022
The Lord Jesus has a posture of continuously knocking at the door of our heart. As people of God we either are conduits of the Lord Jesus' desire to commune…
God's heart of every nation is revealed in the scriptures beginning with Genesis and going all the way to Revelation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7itNuRCWuSA
Jesus contrasts the fear that people normally think of as they relate to governors or religious leaders with the fear that we should have for God Himself. The difference between…
Jesus sends His disciples to the Lost Sheep of Israel. He reveals a Kingdom principle of receiving and giving. We receive freely from God and are to give freely -…