Jesus tells us that we are to ask, seek and knock as initiatives to God as Father. The way that God responds to us can be compared to that of…
Pastor Dale shares a person story where he struggled with judging to relate the grace and mercy of God.
Jesus speaks strongly regarding our human nature to look at the faults of everyone else while we ignore our own faults. He uses the comparison of a plank of wood…
The story of Abraham gives us a supreme example of faith personified. His journey portrays a man who was not just seeking God but he also sought the city that…
Seeking the kingdom of God is birthed from a desire to satisfy un unquenched yearning for supernatural healing, a spiritual kingdom and the God who gives it its identity. Pastor…
Whether we think about it or not we are all collectors. Jesus tells us that our collection may consist of things that are worthless or things that are eternal. His…
Fasting is the primary practice that Jesus tells us to do in secret. This is because our Father who is in secret meets with us in secret. Fasting is giving…
Jesus uses the pattern of the Lord's Prayer to highlight our need to revere God as our Heavenly Father and His kingdom. The Lord's Prayer then establishes God’s kingdom virtues…
Jesus begins this dialogue on prayer by telling His disciples what not to do using the example of the hypocritical prayer leaders in the temple. He encourages them to regard…
Joseph, as the human named father of Jesus faces seven disinct circumstances that challenged his ability to protect both Mary and baby Jesus.