Repent or Perish Part 1

September 13, 2020
Jesus talks about repentance in term of grace and mercy in this parable about the Land owner, his fruitless tree and his vinedresser. Be prepared to till the soil and…
Jesus came to earth to reveal the light of heaven as a man and as God. His anointing quotation at the synagogue in Nazareth reveals His freeing work for the…
The experience of Mary is largely understood in the context of the first century. After Gabriel visited her bestowing the good news of Jesus' birth she has virtually no power…
There are many un-explainable prophecies regarding Jesus. These cover everything from his name to where he would be born and where he would grow up.
The journey of the cross which began with Jesus' first Passover (Jn 2) culminates in this last Passover meal with His disciples. The meal begins a memorable series of experiences…

The Garden

March 24, 2019
Bill gives what thoughts he has of The Garden of Gethsemane, and a model of prayer it shows.