Both Luke and Paul refer to Jesus appearing to Peter. Peter, with a perplexed soul ran immediately to Jesus' tomb upon hearing the reports of the women that Jesus was…
When Jesus appears to the two men on the Road to Emmaus as a prophet who was disclosing the the words from the scriptures that spoke of Jesus. They finally…
We often miss this powerful relationship of Jesus' crucifixion to His raising of Lazarus. Jesus' greatest miracle led to His greatest miracle through His paschal sacrifice!
In this passage Jesus is telling His disciples that they will experience a time when Jesus will be gone from their sight and then after some time they will see…
Jesus, as the good shepherd, discloses the details of His relationship with His sheep. He has a voice that is heard, a person that is known and a sacrificial heart…
Jesus is the Good Shepherd who brings the Kingdom of God to us. He revealed this through His teaching and His healings. As 'The Door" of the protected pasture He…
In this miracle, Jesus casts out a demon that has been keeping a man from speaking. Matthew contrasts the previous miracle which was giving sight to two blind men with…
"Life" in the Gospel of John
Pastor Dale breaks into the Jesus' Teaching series that has come to Matthew 9 to share a message on the mighty works of God that are received due to His…
This Christmas Hymn by John Francis Wade from 1743 was translated by Frederick Oakeley. It is sung to the tune of Adeste Fideles. The lyrics exalt Jesus Christ as the…