Both Moses and Samuel spoke of the dangers of a king taking military power, political power, and economic power to himself. Israel's history confirms those dangers led to the end…
Jesus focuses our eyes on God, our heavenly Father who knows everything about us and who cares for us with the deepest compassion. Fred Pepperman is an illustration of a…
The focus of this prophetic word through Zechariah, although it gives the perspective of Jerusalem and the activity of the people of Jerusalem, reveals its culmination in the statement that…
Israel experienced life as strangers and aliens in Egypt as they sought to escape from economic hardship. As they finally are about to enter the Promised Land, God gives instructions…
The journey of the cross which began with Jesus' first Passover (Jn 2) culminates in this last Passover meal with His disciples. The meal begins a memorable series of experiences…

Simply Sabbath

April 29, 2018
There are earmarks in the sabbath celebration that are necessary for us to respond to the Lord. Most important is for us to stop our work (activity) and focus on…

Stuck at the Cross

February 12, 2017
Christians don't fully understand/believe all that is theirs as they embrace the cross. As well, Christians are Bionically illiterate. We know too little and understand even less. We need to…