by Dale Rintelman | Apr 20, 2022 | Elder Reflection, Pastoral
“I promise” How many times have you heard someone utter those words to you? Maybe you have uttered them yourself to someone else. Did they believe you? Hebrews tells us that God a covenant with Abraham and swore by Himself… His Name… His...
by Dale Rintelman | Jun 18, 2020 | COVID-19, Elder Reflection, Pastoral
Often as I read the New Testament I’m grateful for the documented dialogue that Peter had with Jesus. I’m not sure if all of the disciples remembered more about his interactions with Jesus or if he was simply the one who always took the risk of asking that was in his...
by Dale Rintelman | Feb 21, 2020 | Pastoral
This morning I was reading Leviticus 14:33-53. The verses begin with a plague problem in an inherited house from their new land (flowing with milk and honey). In the end the house is “atoned” for and made “clean.” This word from God brings...
by Dale Rintelman | Apr 25, 2016 | Uncategorized
My journey as a pastor began in 2008; however, it changed dramatically when I attended my first College of Prayer module in 2012. It is my desire to see the church in Williamsport actively unite to see God revive His church to reach a lost world for Christ! Join us...