“I promise” How many times have you heard someone utter those words to you? Maybe you have uttered them yourself to someone else. Did they believe you? Hebrews tells us that God a covenant with Abraham and swore by Himself… His Name… His character… because there is no one greater!
No one in this city, in this state, in this country, in this world, or in this universe! Our God is the God of promises!
For when God made a promise to Abraham, since he had no one greater by whom to swear, he swore by himself. Heb 6:13
Every word God speaks is a promise. He obviously does not need to put His hand on the Bible and make an oath; He wrote the Bible. He doesn’t need to lift His right hand and say the words, “So help me God”; He is God.
When God made a promise to Abraham, He swore by Himself. Every promise He makes to you is based on His word and His character.
God’s promise is His guarantee. You can bank on it.
- Loving Father, thank you that your word is your oath. When so much around me feels insecure, I take hold of your rock-solid promises.
Grace and Peace… and THAnHK, Pastor Dale
To Him And His Kingdom