In case you missed it, there was a Prayer on Fire gathering at Agape on Friday and Saturday May 20th and 21st. Approximately 9 area pastors and about 60 or so folks gathered and praised the Lord, our God and HE showed up! We were blessed by being filled anew with the active presence of our great God. Jon Mitchell and Patrick Lembo, as teacher and worship leader respectively, were excellent. The Lord our Great God truly does inhabit the praises of His people! Psalm 22:3
Jon instructed us to reclaim territory for our Lord and we asked together for protection, direction, discernment and revelation. The WORD given to us was “Move… now… Move Now.”
We got into groups of 3 and prayed together for this and later on Friday released our burdens to our Burden Bearer, The King of kings!
We are the flame holders of God and we want our lamps to be full of God’s Fire-hence His active manifest presence. Jesus comes to walk with us actively and we can receive His active presence. We want to be aware of this and share Him.
Jon shared just being there that 2 miracles have occurred!
- We have the ability to recognize His presence
- We have a heart change to want more of HIM
These two gifts (aka miracles) come from our God so we can Not boast or take any credit for them, He gets all the glory! Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. James 4:8
Hunger for more of God is the open door to more of Him and my prayer for all of us is that like Moses in Exodus 33:13- Jon commissioned us to walk in way that “we will not go anywhere unless He goes with us.”
Saturday, like on Friday, the atmosphere was heavy and was saturated with His presence, His fragrance, His anointing, His peace, His active presence. In addition to teaching us what an upper prayer room looks like, we had much time seeking, praising, and worshiping our God and King!
It is true that when you seek and find God, you want MORE of Him. Every move of GOD begins with seeking Him and in prayer. Much time was devoted to actually lifting in prayer the Williamsport area and HIS church. We asked for God’s agenda and unity and we prayed blessing for this as well. Prayer strategies were given to us.
This was a prayer event that was on FIRE for God and HE showed up! It was a blessing for all who were able to attend and gave us an appetite for more or God. Please, continue to CRY out for wanting more of our God and KING. Let us come together more Often and welcome Him, receive Him and follow hard after Him. ALL for God’s glory!!!
By Kathy Stopper