In the presence of God: 1 What is natural becomes Supernatural. 2 Our senses are freed. 3 Self-awareness is purified. 4 God becomes Holy (separate). 5 He reveals Himself to…
Jesus changes His ministry at this time to speak purposely in parables. Before unpacking the meaning of the parable of The Sower and The Seed Jesus explains that parables give…
The fruitful Seed of the Sower, the Word of God causes thirsty souls to press into hearing it! Is worth hearing and obeying! Is the source of faith! Can be…
Pastor Dale skipped his planned sermon for the morning. He talked about the enemy squelching the fruitful seeds of the Sower.
Jesus gives the context for parables in His teaching regarding His coming again.
Jonah's story is used to highlight this Children's morning with interactive songs led by Lauri Rintelman
When the men and women are gathered in Jerusalem for Shavuot Peter receives revelation from the Holy Spirit. The others follow Peter's lead as the Holy Spirit reveals Jesus' transforming…
The Ascension of Jesus into Heaven marks the end of the Resurrection appearances. Yet, Jesus promised that his presence and the Kingdom inaugurated by his presence would continue. At Pentecost,…
The disciples finish their time of 40 days with Jesus after the resurrection by receiving the Holy Spirit. Jesus then leaves them with three promises. They will receive power. The…
Jesus uniquely connected to Peter to restore him and bring him to the place of loving Jesus. "Peter, do you love me?"