Submit Yourselves

June 19, 2016
Bible Text: Colossians 3: 18- 4:1 | Preacher: Dale Rintelman In this passage we discuss how to submit ourselves to each other remembering that the basis of all "Body" relationships is…

True Worship

June 12, 2016
Bible Text: John 4:23-24 | Preacher: Holger Schult


June 5, 2016
Bible Text: Romans 3:21-25. Romans 4:1-3, John 6:41-44, Genisis 12:1-15:12 | Preacher: Dale Rintelman

Risen With Christ

April 24, 2016
Bible Text: Colossians 3:1-4 | Preacher: Dale Rintelman | Risen with Christ