After Jesus goes to the house where he often stays the disciples take the private opportunity to ask Jesus what the meaning of His parable regarding the Wheat and the…

Where are you from?

October 27, 2024
Where are you from? The answer depends on your perspective. The Biblical perspective is that "The Earth is the Lord's" and we are aliens and tenants. Because we are not…
Jesus tells us through the Matthew passage that He on ly spoke to crowds from this time forward. He also unpacked every parable in private with His disciples. Here a…
Jesus tells us that the smallest of seeds is like the kingdom of Heaven. Indeed, all of the things that you would naturally think about this, smallest, seed pales in…
God's Seed is sown on all possible places. The soil determines what happens to the seed. The Soil can be a nation, an Ethnicity, A City, A relationship, or a…