Following Dane Ortlund's book Gentle and Lowly based on Matthew 11:28-30, Jesus is able to understand everything about the human condition because He has touched even the deepest pain and…
Jesus' invitation for us to rest from the overburden of life presses into His life as a human where He took upon Himself our sin and shame. He did this…
Jesus walked through life with a vision of the joy that He will one day experience with all of His followers. This was a motivating factor as He "learned obedience…
Jesus comes to us with a heart that is meek and insignificant. He has made us in a way that responds to His heart. He has made us fearfully and…
Jesus comes to us in a manner that is Gentle and Lowly that is exemplified in His triumphal entry into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey.
In this passage of scripture Jesus prays with a Revelation, a Wink, and a pattern.
Jesus lived during a generation that was "me" focused. In a "me" focused generation everyone asks why others are not following them. They do not process who or what "word"…
Returning to Matthew we find the miracles of Jesus stirring John the Baptist to send his disciples to Jesus to enquire of Him whether He is the Expected One. Before…
Receiving from God is a primary posture to have as a follower of Jesus. Receiving reveals an intimate relationship with God and the blessing of God.
Jesus challenges us as his disciples to love Him will all our being and to put Him above every other relationship. He initiates this conversation with the the comment that…