When the men and women are gathered in Jerusalem for Shavuot Peter receives revelation from the Holy Spirit. The others follow Peter's lead as the Holy Spirit reveals Jesus' transforming…
The disciples finish their time of 40 days with Jesus after the resurrection by receiving the Holy Spirit. Jesus then leaves them with three promises. They will receive power. The…
Jesus uniquely connected to Peter to restore him and bring him to the place of loving Jesus. "Peter, do you love me?" https://www.youtube.com/live/66SKq5Jx7s8?si=YlMlxXKp6jOSt-CK
The five named disciples in this appearance by Jesus now include Natanael with Thomas along with Peter, James, and John. Jesus meets their needs through four items. These are a…
Thomas, was possibly the only disciple who understood that Jesus was going to be crucified the next time that he went to Jerusalem. We look at Thomas' response to Jesus…
In this first appearance of Jesus to the 10 disciples, Jesus proves to them that it is Him and that he has indeed risen from the dead. He shows them…
Our Easter service began with a dialogue of Mary Magdalene in words and music. The movement engaged the congregation in some traditional Resurrection Hymns and then Lyco Voices from Lycoming…
This is an upload of an unstreamed service of personal foot washing - doing what Jesus showed us to do. All are invited to join in this day of fellowship…
In this passage from John we find Jesus giving His last words of life in the midst of knowing that His days are numbered. He retreats from some of the…
Following the gospel of John through the last six days of Jesus' life we find the great crown from Bethany who were there to see Lazarus and Jesus meets the…