Jesus became an offense to his own hometown when he publicly taught and ministered in Nazareth. The questions of his human heritage took them from faith to unfaith. This should…
Using a personal story from 1970 Pastor Dale talks about how God uses our experiences and faith to connect us together in the move of the Kingdom of God to…
In this shared service with our Spanish Speaking believers two pastors share the message of the morning. Pastor Dale shared on The Aaronic Blessing.
Jesus tells this unique parable about ones who receive the teachings of Jesus. He asked his disciples if they understood the things that He taught and they answered, "YES." For…
On this first Sunday of the year Pastor Dale shares intimate insights into what he prays for.
On this Fifth Sunday we engaged as a congregation around the first and second advents of Jesus. Maranatha!
Gabriel has made at least four recorded appearances to three humans. In this last appearance, Mary responds humbly to the work of God for Israel, humanity, and for her.
Pastor Dale uses A Charlie Brown Christmas and a group of dignified puppets to share the story of Christmas with our children.
In this first appearance of Gabriel in scripture we see weight of the revelation all the Divine plans for human history. Daniel, as the recipient of Gabriel's messages, shares them…
Pastor Dale tells his story of running away from home to highlight the priceless value of finding a home with Jesus in the kingdom of heaven!