Where are you from? The answer depends on your perspective. The Biblical perspective is that "The Earth is the Lord's" and we are aliens and tenants. Because we are not…
On this fifth Sunday we listened and responded to God's voice. https://youtu.be/VlSlz4Rhr5A?si=SXtWU_ymNTiQ_6P-
When the men and women are gathered in Jerusalem for Shavuot Peter receives revelation from the Holy Spirit. The others follow Peter's lead as the Holy Spirit reveals Jesus' transforming…
Following the gospel of John through the last six days of Jesus' life we find the great crown from Bethany who were there to see Lazarus and Jesus meets the…
The message this week was prompted this week by a comment made by Janice Billings in our Focus Group on 1/14. What stood out to Janice was the Footstool of…
The love, compassion, and mercy of God stands in contrast to the judgmental nuture that I battle with. Jesus came to not just show us this love but to impact…
God is a Holy Being whose name is to be Hallowed! As Holy, He regards our "low estate" which means that He sees our BAD SITUATION, hears our LONGING (groans),…
Psalm 40 is both a psalm of lament and a psalm of Thanksgiving. Lament is a legitimate Christian response to God in the face of a world that is not…
Jesus walked through life with a vision of the joy that He will one day experience with all of His followers. This was a motivating factor as He "learned obedience…
Jesus comes to us with a heart that is meek and insignificant. He has made us in a way that responds to His heart. He has made us fearfully and…