In this passage from John we find Jesus giving His last words of life in the midst of knowing that His days are numbered. He retreats from some of the…
Pastor Dale gives a background to the profound moment when Jesus responds with tears regarding of of the emotions and deep truth of the resurrection scene with Lazarus, the friend…
Jesus is able to deal with us gently because, as fully human, He touches everything human. Jesus is the God-man come to set Himself up to be the Redeemer of…
The Word who was with God and was God became flesh and dwelt with us. Jesus is the Word of God who brings Light and Life and Grace and Truth!…
Jesus focuses our eyes on God, our heavenly Father who knows everything about us and who cares for us with the deepest compassion. Fred Pepperman is an illustration of a…
The Lord Jesus has a posture of continuously knocking at the door of our heart. As people of God we either are conduits of the Lord Jesus' desire to commune…
God uses persecution, trials, and testing to build great news stories in you to spread the Kingdom of God.
Jesus is the Good Shepherd who brings the Kingdom of God to us. He revealed this through His teaching and His healings. As 'The Door" of the protected pasture He…
In this passage of scripture Jesus is tying in His role as the compassionate shepherd and the plentiful harvest of souls seen in the needy crowd.
The Gospel According to Ezekiel and Paul