Note: Near the end of the service was a period of prayer. This featured private needs, as such was not broadcast. The closing songs and Benediction begin just after…

A House Principle – Jesus

February 18, 2024
This is one of only three times that we find Jesus going to his house in Capernaum. Jesus leaves a lasting legacy that results in the conversion of all of…

We Are Family

February 4, 2024
Jesus takes this moment, in his home town, to reveal the value of his followers. He essentially says that if you follow me you are my family. Romans 8:14-17 tells…

God’s Memory

January 14, 2024
God is a Holy Being whose name is to be Hallowed! As Holy, He regards our "low estate" which means that He sees our BAD SITUATION, hears our LONGING (groans),…
Our church will be using Christmas Carols to lead our Focus Group time in December. In his message he uses God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen to emmulate this. As a…
The Pharisses challenge the authority of Jesus for healings of the man with the withered hand. Jesus makes it clear that the integrity of the healing that He does comes…