Why Me?

January 1, 2023
Even though, as a youth God spoke to him and told him that he would be a spokesperson for God, Jeremiah cried out to God to curse the day of…
Jesus is the Good Shepherd who brings the Kingdom of God to us. He revealed this through His teaching and His healings. As 'The Door" of the protected pasture He…
Advent means "Coming" and on the First Sunday of Advent, we look at Jeremiah's prophecy about the coming of a "Righteous Branch," the Messiah. In the short term and from…
A biblical Worldview presents Jesus as the one who comes to restore our creative identity, originally designed by Him, to health. This includes body, soul, and spirit. Our gatherings should…
I believe in the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth; and of all things visible and invisible. In this first of the I believe series we discuss the visible…