What’s Happening

February 2, 2025
Using a personal story from 1970 Pastor Dale talks about how God uses our experiences and faith to connect us together in the move of the Kingdom of God to…
God's Seed is sown on all possible places. The soil determines what happens to the seed. The Soil can be a nation, an Ethnicity, A City, A relationship, or a…
The worship response of the people in Isaiah 12 reveals the presedent of the worship from God's throne room (Isaiah 6:1-7). Worship and the presence of God sets all things…
In the presence of God: 1 What is natural becomes Supernatural. 2 Our senses are freed. 3 Self-awareness is purified. 4 God becomes Holy (separate). 5 He reveals Himself to…
Jesus changes His ministry at this time to speak purposely in parables. Before unpacking the meaning of the parable of The Sower and The Seed Jesus explains that parables give…
When the men and women are gathered in Jerusalem for Shavuot Peter receives revelation from the Holy Spirit. The others follow Peter's lead as the Holy Spirit reveals Jesus' transforming…