Hope, Peace, and Joy

December 17, 2023
We have a God who has revealed His deep desire to have a relationship with His creation through statements given over time. We call these words "prophecy." Bethlehem has been…
Both Moses and Samuel spoke of the dangers of a king taking military power, political power, and economic power to himself. Israel's history confirms those dangers led to the end…
God's heart of every nation is revealed in the scriptures beginning with Genesis and going all the way to Revelation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7itNuRCWuSA
The genealogy of Abram reveals a focus on David. Through the person of David and the story of judgment involving Arunah we see angelic interaction through David revealing the taking…

What is True Worship

July 16, 2017
This is a sermon describing true worship as outlined in the Bible, the focus of worship should always be on the glory of God with a humble heart dedicated to…