The love, compassion, and mercy of God stands in contrast to the judgmental nuture that I battle with. Jesus came to not just show us this love but to impact…
We must recognize our inability to provide for ourselves before the invitation of Jesus can become effective. When we reach out to Jesus and invite Him into our lives He…
Jesus promises to the church of Laodicea an invitation to sit on His throne in the same way that His Father invited Him to sit on His throne. This remarkable…
In this passage from Matthew Jesus is showing the importance of our affect on those around us through the lens of asking us who we are following. Who are you…
In this Fifth Sunday Sermon Pastor Dale shares his heart regarding this kingdom conversation that ensues from Mrs. Zebedee's request to have her sons honored around Jesus' seat in heaven.…
Jesus is giving a memorable visual to his hearers. It is of the contrast between a house built on a good foundation and a house built on sand. Listening and…
Understanding the Second Coming of Jesus through the text of Zechariah revolves around three hinges. These hinges are the Cross, Jerusalem and the Feast of Booths.
The coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost began a new way for men and women; sons and daughters to relate to one another. Through Jesus Christ we can begin…
Since we see now as through a glass dimly (1 Cor. 13:12), we must approach the Bible with critical realism. This approach honors the reality of truth, and yet also…