The Lord Of Hosts
As human beings, we are very aware of our limitations,
our vulnerability, our weakness,
but God “…is able to do immeasurably more
than all we ask or imagine,
according to His power that is at work within us.”
(Ephesians 3:20 NIV)
God used a shepherd boy, a stone, and his slingshot
to fell a well-armored giant.
God locked the sun in place until a battle was won.
God used sudden blindness
to move an entire army into the heart of enemy territory;
then He opened their eyes
and allowed them to see their captors.
God parted the Red Sea
for the Israelites in their escape from Egypt;
then He took back His hand
and the waters swallowed their pursuing army.
God used the thunder to rout an enemy
and caused the walls around Jericho to fall
when the priests sounded their trumpets.
God caused an axe head to float.
God sent ravens to feed Elijah when there was no food available.
God gave a widow oil and flour that did not run out.
God caused a donkey to speak and reprimand Balaam.
God kept the mouths of hungry lions closed
when Daniel was thrown into the den.
God used the heat from a furnace
to destroy those who threw in the three Hebrew men;
He let the same fire burn off the cords that bound them and brought them out without any
singed hair.
God caused a large fish to swallow Jonah
and convince him to follow the Lord's directive.
Jesus used a young lad's lunch of bread and fish
to feed over five thousand people
and there were a full twelve baskets left over after all had eaten.
He put an excellent wine into empty waterpots
that He ordered filled with water.
He brought Lazarus back to life
after he was in the grave three days.
He walked on water.
God, You are Lord of all things.
Everything is subject to You.
You can do whatever You deem necessary to Your purposes.
Help me to remember that You are not limited
by the laws of Your world, or our expectations.
By Twila Charles Leichty