The Body

Just as each of us has one body with many members,

and these members do not all have the same function,

so, in Christ we, though many, form one body,

and each member belongs to all the others.

We have different gifts, according to the grace
given to each of us.

Romans 12-4-6a NIV

The body was created by God and is comprised of many parts ~

skin, muscle, bone, joints, tendons, ligaments,

valves, veins, neurons, organs, lashes, and limbs ~

all of which were made to work together in harmony

for the good of the whole.

They are interdependent and cannot operate autonomously.

Without connectedness and harmony, all suffer.

With cooperation, all benefit.

The whole is greater than its parts,

but each part of the whole plays an important and necessary role

in the functioning of the whole.

For this reason, we are to value each part of the whole

and not involve in overvaluing or undervaluing any one part.

All are different; but none are disposable.

When one body part is hurt, broken or not functioning well,

the whole operates in a way that is less than optimal.

Accommodations and adjustments need to be made

within the system, or introduced from without,

until it is restored.

So often, God, we take for granted our bodies.

Until some part of the whole ceases to do its part,

we continue on without much thought
about the body’s synchronization.

Forgive us, Lord,
for thinking our work is more important than another

and, thereby, devaluing what another offers,

or devaluing our role and wishing we could do another’s part.

Help us to value what each has to contribute
to the well-functioning whole of this body

that you call the church!

By Twila Charles Leichty