
Expectations My worldview, when I am the focus,Lends itself well to thoughts, attitudes,And behaviors that are self-protective,Designed to take care of me in some way.It leaves no room for God.We seek safety,The comfort of the familiar, what is known to us,Rather than...

Joy is the Mark of God’s People

Joy is the Mark of God’s People Joy is not dependent on what is happening in my life or the world around me.It is not determined by the behaviors of others or my emotions;joy is a visible indication of God “at work.”Joy is indication that I believe God is who He...

The Body

The Body Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so, in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of...

Practice Joy

Practice Joy Joy needs to be practiced.That statement got my attention.How can one “practice” joy? The dictionary states that joy is a vivid emotion of pleasure and extreme gladness.To be joyful is to be grateful, to appreciate deeply, to have something of great...

Spiritual Adoption

Spiritual Adoption It is your adoption day, a day you’ve long awaited.It is not unlike your spiritual adoption day.There was a time, long ago, before you were even conceived, when God, your Heavenly Father,longed for you to be a part of His family.He knew that the...