Agape Council


Agape Council

The Agape Council is first and foremost a servant of the congregation. It is responsible for the overall governance of Agape, seeking advice and counsel from the Elders, other leaders, and congregation as needed. Members for Council are chosen through an open process of recommendation and member voting.

The duties of the Council include:

  • Provide and maintain a framework that encourages congregants to utilize their gifts in effective ministry
  • Address ministry concerns and issues in a manner that honors God
  • Schedule members’ (congregational) meetings and record decisions made
  • Assure compliance with Agape’s bylaws, legal requirements, sound hiring practices, and acceptable financial processes
  • Keep minutes of Council meetings and the decisions made
  • Communicate with the congregation regularly to support the congregants in their ministries and to inform the congregants of Council business
  • Support, encourage and evaluate the Administrator
  • Initiate and assure completion of the budget process

Reba Coup

Reba has lived in Williamsport all her life. She accepted the Lord at age 12 and continues to attempt to walk in His ways every day. She likes working with God’s people and getting to know them in a personally. All God’s people are different in many ways and she likes talking with them to find out who they are. She works in the church office as Care Facilitator.
Other ministries she is involved in are: Sunday School Teacher, Life Group Leader, Deacon, Council Member, Greeter, and Nursery Worker

Jim Forestal


Matt Fox


Deb Herlocher

Hollie Hill

Hollie has been married for 23 years and has a 17 year old son. She became a Christian at the age of 17 and later began attending Agape in 1983. Hollie is a retired RN and now works in antiques with her husband Dave.


Dan Rosencrance

Dan and Mary Ellen moved to Williamsport at the end of 1969. He and Mary Ellen have recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary and have four married daughters and nine grandchildren. Dan and Mary Ellen started attending Agape in 1983.  In addition to his work on the council Dan and Mary Ellen also lead a small group.

Bruce Trick

Bruce comes to the Agape Council with many years of experience in the accounting field. He has married to Lynette since 1998. Bruce has been employed by the American Rescue Workers since 1987 as the Office Manager / Bookkeeper. His main hobby is collecting and trading baseball cards. He also enjoys mowing grass and other lawn care, cutting firewood, painting, listening to most music, karaoke, and watching college football.

Agape Administrator

The Administrator is first and foremost a servant to the congregation. In coordination with the pastor, staff, and other leaders, the Administrator oversees the organizational health of Agape so that the Kingdom of God will be evident. The Administrator is chosen by an open process of recommendation and voting.

The responsibilities of the Administrator include:

  • Coordinate, facilitate, and delegate so that Agape functions as an effective and caring congregation
  • Encourage ministry leaders
  • Meet regularly with leaders to assess each ministry’s execution of their duties as set forth in their job description
  • Schedule, set agenda for, and tend to the details necessary for effective Council meetings
  • Serve as the contact person for the interfacing of Agape ministries (e.g. concerns, issues, development, conflict resolution, staffing, and discernment)
  • Promote and exemplify effective communication within the congregation and community
  • Coordinate with and seek the advice of the pastor, staff, other leaders, and the congregation

Kathy Keiser

Mary Ellen Rosencrance