Joy is the Mark of God’s People

Joy is not dependent
on what is happening in my life or the world around me.
It is not determined
by the behaviors of others or my emotions;
joy is a visible indication of God “at work.”
Joy is indication
that I believe God is who He says that He is,
that I believe He is a faithful God,
and He keeps all His promises,
regardless of what is currently happening.
Joy is a deep awareness
that God is present, though I do not see Him,
that He is at work even when I fail to understand what He is doing.
This gives my life a stability that enables me to continue;
it produces a settled-ness,
a confidence that God’s hand is working,
though circumstances scream their loudest
to convince me that what is seen and known
in this time frame,
is all that ever will be
and that despair would be a more logical choice than hope.

Yes, joy is freedom from the shackles
that circumstances would place on my mind and emotions.
It is freedom to feel all that I feel,
understanding that what I feel
is not always related to “what is in the larger frame”
but determined more
by my limited view and perceptions here and now.

Happiness and joy may present themselves
in the same time frame,
but happiness absconds when things are not as I would like.
Joy has the innate ability to “stick around”
when things are difficult,
confidently and maturely waiting to be shown
how all will be fitted together
to show God’s mighty hand,
reveal His wisdom,
and bring Him honor and glory!

Joy is evidence that I am harmonizing with God
while happiness is often delighting in my own efforts
or pleasure with my own performance or that of those around me.

Twila Charles Leichty